Adopted at the Annual General Meeting on 6th November 2015 and amended at a Special General Meeting on 4th April 2016.
Reference in these rules to:
"the Association" shall mean the Old Government College Ibadan Old Boys '82Set;
"the School" shall mean Government College Ibadan
"the Committee" shall mean the committee appointed at general meetings to administer the affairs of the Association;
"Committee Members" shall mean members elected to serve on the Committee, but not as Officers of the Association.
"The Website" shall mean the Association Website, the address of which is
1. These rules shall supersede any former rules, and shall govern the Association. Observance of these rules is a condition of membership.
2. The objects and duties of the Association are to:
(a) Maintain contacts between members by the arrangement of such functions and events, including the annual dinner, as may be deemed desirable, by the publication and distribution of the Magazine to all members, and the administration of the Website.
(b) Maintain ties with, and help further the general interests of the School;
(c) Assist, through its leaving scholarship and any other funds which may be or become available, former pupils from the School to attend university or other places of higher or further education;
(d) As and when necessary, and in accordance with any Statutory or other relevant requirements, appoint a suitable person to serve on the Governing Body of the School.
3. The following shall be eligible for membership of the Association:
(a) All former pupils '82 sets of the School;
(b) Subject to the approval of the Committee, any person who has given exceptional service to the School, and/or the Association. example Chief Dele Thomas
4. The objectives of the Association shall be financed by the payment by members of an annual membership subscription, together with such other fund-raising activities or events as may be deemed necessary.
Annual subscriptions shall become due in January of each year. Honorary life membership of the Association may be granted in recognition of outstanding services to the Association and/or the School.
The rate of subscription shall be reviewed annually by the Committee, and any proposed change and/or the granting of honorary life membership shall be subject to the approval of members at a general meeting.
5. Membership of the Association may be terminated at the discretion of the Committee when subscriptions are more than two years in arrears, or, if the conduct of a member is such that these rules are breached or the reputation of the Association and/or the School is damaged.
6. A member wishing to resign shall give written notice of such intention to the Secretary or Treasurer. Such notice shall be accompanied by payment in full of any outstanding arrears of subscription.
7. The Officers of the Association, all of whom must be members, shall be a President, Senior Vice-President, Junior Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Magazine Editor, Membership Secretary, and the Website Administrator.
8. The Committee shall comprise the President, Vice-Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Magazine Editor, Membership Secretary, Website Administrator, immediate past President, and not less than eight other members. The Headmaster of the School shall be an ex-officio member of the Committee.
9. The President and Vice-Presidents shall be elected at the annual general meeting of the Association for a term of office to end at the next such meeting. The Secretary, Treasurer, Magazine Editor, Membership Secretary, Website Administrator and the Committee Members shall also retire annually, but all shall be eligible for re-election. The Auditor shall be appointed at the annual general meeting.
10. The general management and finances of the Association, together with the distribution of the funds referred to in rule 2(c) and the appointment referred to in Rule 2(d), shall be entrusted to the Committee.
11. The time and date of committee meetings shall be at the discretion of the President and/or Secretary. A special committee meeting shall be called by the Secretary within twenty-one days of the receipt by him or her of a written request, specifying the purpose of such meeting and endorsed by not less than six members who may attend, but not vote, unless they are Officers or Committee Members, at that meeting.
Six shall form a quorum at any committee meeting, and the President, or in his or her absence, a Vice-President shall take the chair at all such meetings. In the absence of all three, another Officer or Committee Member shall be voted to the chair.
Any Officer of the Association or Committee Member who fails to attend three consecutive committee meetings without giving verbal or written notice of such absence prior to the relevant meeting to an attending Officer shall be deemed to have resigned from the Office and/or the Committee.
12. The Secretary shall make and keep minutes of all formal proceedings of the Association and shall send out all necessary notices by way of publication in the Magazine or otherwise as appropriate.
A banking account in the name of the Association shall be in the hands of the Treasurer who shall keep appropriate financial records.
The Treasurer, or in his or her absence, the Secretary, shall have the power to sign cheques.
Any Officer, Committee Member, or member appointed to organise any function or event shall keep financial records thereof to the requirements of, and for submission to, the Treasurer.
The Magazine Editor shall produce and arrange for the printing and distribution of the Magazine.
At every annual general meeting, the retiring President and Treasurer shall review and report on the affairs and finances respectively of the Association for the preceding year. In addition, a statement of accounts for the year ended on the preceding August 31st, prepared by the Treasurer and endorsed by the Auditor, shall be available for inspection at, and adoption by, the meeting.
The Website Administrator shall be responsible for the operation and regular up-dating of the Website to keep members informed of the Association's activities, events, membership status and any other relevant matters.
The Membership Secretary shall check and deal with all applications for membership of, and resignations from, the Association and shall, in conjunction with the Secretary, Treasurer, and Magazine Editor, maintain a comprehensive membership record.
The Officers of the Association may delegate some of their duties to Committee Members, such delegation to be recorded in the minutes of the relevant committee meeting.
13. The annual general meeting of the Association shall be held during the first fourteen days of November on a date and at a place to be fixed by the Committee. A special general meeting may be called at the discretion
of the Committee. Alternatively, within twenty-eight days of the receipt by him or her of a written request, specifying the purpose of such meeting and endorsed by not less than twelve members, the Secretary shall give notice of a special general meeting.
Not less than seven clear days notice of any annual or special general meeting shall be given, and, in the latter case, the notice shall include the purpose of and agenda for the meeting.
Ten shall form a quorum at any general meeting, and the President, or in his or her absence, a Vice-President, shall take the chair at all such meetings. In the absence all three, another Officer, Committee Member, or member of the Association shall be voted to the chair.
Votes shall be taken by a show of hands unless otherwise decided by the meeting and, when necessary, the person chairing the meeting shall have a casting vote. A simple majority of members present and voting shall be sufficient to carry any proposition at a general meeting, except in the case of amendment or addition to these rules.
14. In the case of a vacancy occurring among any of the officers, by resignation or otherwise, any member of the Association may be appointed by the Committee to fill such vacancy until the next annual general meeting. In the case of the temporary absence of any Officer, a Committee Member may be appointed by the Committee to perform the relevant duties for the time being.
The Committee shall have the power to co-opt additional Committee Members, or to appoint sub-committees for any purpose to enable the objects of the Association to be fulfilled.
15. Amendments or additions to these rules may be made at any annual or special general meeting, provided that details of the proposed changes have been given in the notice for such meeting. All such amendments or additions must be approved by not less than a two-thirds majority of members present and voting.
The Committee shall regularly review and propose any amendments or additions to these rules necessary to ensure that they reflect any changed circumstances affecting the status or composition of the Association or the School.
Any proposal by a member for the amendment of, or addition to these rules must be given in writing to the Secretary before June 30th in any year for consideration at the following annual general meeting.